OHS members get a voice in our current and future work; enjoy free or discounted entry to exhibitions, special events, lectures, and select programs; and many other benefits. Your support makes it possible for us to bring the community together to share experiences and celebrate the history and culture of this special place.
Sign Up Here
(will open in a separate window)
If you’d prefer to pay by check, send to: Oysterponds Historical Society, PO Box 70, Orient, NY 11957-0070.
Membership Levels
All memberships expire one year from sign-up date.
Individual $30 / Family $50 [Family includes two adults and minor children]
(fully tax deductible)
>> Free admission to all OHS Exhibitions and Museums ($10 Non-members)
>> 10% Member Discount at the Beach Plum Shop
>> Discounts on select events, programs, activities, lectures
>> Recognition on the OHS website
>> Membership magnet (new members only)
Friend $100
(fully tax deductible)
All benefits of Individual Membership, plus…
>> OHS Postcard Gift-pack
Sustainer $250 (* Best Value *)
($225 tax deductible)
All benefits of Friend Membership, plus…
>> A signed copy of William McNaught’s Highlights from the Collection ($20 value)
Patron $500
($425 Tax deductible)
All benefits of Sustainer Membership, plus…
>> One ticket to the June Reception
>> Special gift: garment-dyed OHS baseball cap ($25 value)
Like to do even more? Another donation option is OHS’s Griffin Giving Circle program, which is a unique membership initiative that supports needed investments in our collection, including OHS’s historical buildings and grounds, and our ongoing mission to bring the community together. To learn more, click here.